All My Crap


Alright, I have decided that way too many people have been playing four square way too wrong. So, being the 42 Club official referee, I have decided to make a website defining the rules. Many people would disagree, but for starters, we need a nice solid set of rules to start with, and I will provide just that.


The object of the game is basically to get to the king square, and stay there as long as possible.


Draw a 10' x 10' square (3m. by 3m.) on the ground, then divide it into 4 equal squares.
4 Square CourtPick one square to be King, and a square next to king to be queen. Here, it gets simple. The square across from King is jack (called knight in some games), and the last square is trash (sometimes called toilet). The ref usually defines the squares. The respective players will stay in their square until they either get out, or move up.